I found one more reason for my sporadically-employed heart to break.

Actually…La Shawn says it better than I could.

I have yet to read that post in its entirety, yet the premise–or rather, the fact that someone had the cojones to post it–intrigues me.

I don’t believe for a minute that school is supposed to be One. BIG. Party. But there’s nothing wrong with you (a teacher) and your kids (students) enjoying yourselves and finding fulfillment in your daily lessons.

There is one thing I can say that I learned today though.

I have nothing against long-term teachers who let their students see them smile. When you have a class of your own you will have a rapport, etc., etc.


If you’re a substitute teacher….I suggest you use your weapons wisely. In my everyday life, I smile quite liberally. I laugh openly. I can’t help it. That’s just the kind of person I am.

Meanwhile in my professional life, I’ve come to one conclusion:

If you smile too much or too soon, you are done. DONE, I tell you!

Or at least I was a few hours ago.


It’s like I read or heard once somewhere: It’s easier to start out strict and ease up on students than it is to start easy and then turn around and attempt to be a good disciplinarian.

Paging Tom Green

December 12, 2005

I hear you’ve got a new track out called “Teachers Suck”.

And I want to like it, because I have a sense of humor, and, like you, I’m Canadian.


I’m a teacher.

And I don’t suck. And I didn’t get into this profession because I’m too dense to do anything else.

One day I’m sure that Mr. Green will be asked a question re his intent. Pray, what was in his head when he came up with his current hit?

He may try to tell the audience that it was all tongue in cheek, that anyone who has any kind of sense will know better than to take “Teachers Suck” seriously.

But there are millions of students who are going to take his nonsense at face value. They will feel that they have license to degrade and disrespect their teachers.

I’m sick and tired of these artists thinking they don’t have to make responsible decisions regarding the products of their so-called creative “genius”.

I don’t have anything else to say right now, other than that it’s a damn shame.

And yet…

January 11, 2005

A conversation I had with one of my classmates reminds me of the bright side of things:

None of our professors are out to get us.

Indeed, they seem fair and willing to accommodate our requests for extensions on assignments, etc.

And none of our assignments are life or death. :p

They just feel like it.

It’s not like the assignments that I have are difficult. It’s just that there are so many of them. Seemingly all at once. Plus, I have to manage my life, and handle a lot of personal administrative tasks.


Only three more days to go.

January 11, 2005

So as I said the other day, the second–and last— term of my program has begun.

I went to school yesterday, dreading it.

Somehow I was relieved to discover that I was not the only one who broke down and cried over the weekend.

My classmates and I are buzzing. There’s an almost unbearable onslaught of information and assignments..If I didn’t know better, I’d swear they were trying to…


What do they think we’re made of?!?

I don’t think God put me in one of the best faculties of ed in North America, only to make me miserable.

I have faith that I will survive, but it’s gonna take some doing.


January 3, 2005


Oh man.

Here we go again.

Back to school.


My classmates. They’re all lovely people. We love each other. Our collective joy could make you sick.

And my professors aren’t anything to sniff at either. 😉


The workload still makes me wanna jump out a window.

Ah yes…

But if I did, who would teach the kids…?