Stay Alert Folks!

October 29, 2004

Our fellow humans aren’t the only ones who wish us harm.

But the title of this article caught my eye. The subject matter’s right up my alley…

About ESL teaching, that is.

Or, rather, what goes on behind the scenes.

Do you know that there are teachers who are ignorant enough to think that children are stupid, simply because they do not speak English? I mean, I always imagined such shit existed. But to hear some of the stories I heard today….


Pardon me. But if I go to Korea and can’t speak a lick of Korean, does that render my intellect null and void?

I learned of more random acts of stupidity today. But I won’t write them online in order to protect my sources.

The things I discovered made me furious. I just thank God they also inspired me…

p.s. (re HJNTIY)

October 23, 2004

If all else fails:

Buy the book and don’t give it as a gift. Instead, leave your copy in plain sight when your sister/friend/mother/daughter is over for tea. You might even want to have it open to a particular page. There’s a chapter and scenario for every form of relationship idiocy.

I’m just trying to help the women of the world…



October 23, 2004

I read he’s just not… in one evening. Common sense dispensed in a cool, funny fashion.

I identified with a few of its scenarios. Others left me saying, “Lord, I pray I’m never that desperate.”

Overall, IMO, HJNTIY is a good book.

It’s perfect for the woman in your life who keeps wasting time pursuing pointless half-assed relationships.

You know the one. You wanna smack her or shake her ’cause you know she’s worth more than what she’s putting up with. And as for you and all of those not-so-subtle hints you’ve been dropping about her guy?

She just does not. get. IT.

And you’re stupefied because, otherwise, girlfriend is brilliant?

That woman?

Surely you can drop $20–or in Canada, a cool $30–and get her an early Christmas present.


October 21, 2004

I’m awesome. I love the kids in my practicum classes. They’re bright and adorable. I haven’t had to deal with the Legendary Teenage Ego.


Or at least it better be. What with my student budget and all.

(Yes. That was me, rolling my eyes.)

I went to Chapters on Bloor today. Picked up one of their last three (shelved) copies of he’s just not that into you by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. According to the saleswoman I spoke to, the buzz for this thing is crazy hot.

It seems like it’s going to be a fulfilling read. You know…Easy. As in fun, not too heavy…And I might pick up a few tips.

I don’t know what lured me to this book.

A need to read something fun and girlie? A desire to address past foolishness and keep myself in check?

Perhaps. 😉

Will let you know if it really is worth the hype. Or if my copy will wind up in a used bookstore near you.


October 2, 2004

I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it myself:

Calling All Hot Women of the Lord!!!

It’s bad enough women and men manipulate each other sexually. But spiritually…?

There’s a rant in here somewhere, but I haven’t got the patience right now.

In spite of everything

October 2, 2004

I’m learning that I’m still vulnerable. Part of me is extremely stressed. A few moments ago, I found some materials that I needed to complete a homework assignment–paperwork that I had nearly discarded by accident. When these documents were lost, I was terrified. My head was spinning. I actually wondered how I could pass without them, even though I know I’m doing fine.

But when I found what I was looking for…My eyes filled with tears. I didn’t sob or anything. But I was thankful that my docs weren’t lost. And concerned that I may be driving myself too hard, or not pacing myself properly, or something.

This entry is all so random. But that’s just how I’m feeling tonight…

Went shopping in Chinatown/Kensington Market. Again.

I dunno. There’s something about getting my week’s veggies for less than $15.00.
