Undie Wars

March 31, 2006

It had to happen.  Once, in passing I compared La Senza to Victoria's Secret.  At the very least, their campaigns are similar. Lots of skin, satin, busty models with come-hither glances…

 As the old commercial used to say, "I don't see a difference. Do you see a difference?"

Not that I'm nocking my countrymen and their lingerie. But there has been a sufficient amount of overlap in their product lines. It seemed to me like the suit was just a matter of time.

My only surprise? That Victoria hasn't whipped out her credit card and bought La Senza once and for all.

Husband On Strike!

March 30, 2006

I really feel sorry for with this guy.  When I'm married…I might let my kids spend a night or two in the master bedroom. But only if they're extraordinarily ill and need a high level of care. Other than that…I can't see myself driving my DH away. 

Whatever happened to the sanctity of the marriage bed(room)?

I started to tune American Idol out a while ago. But with Mr. Hicks, somehow, I’m back in… 


I tend to think that would have been too kind.

Read all about it.

When are children going to be valued in our society? WHEN?

YOU decide.

March 18, 2006

So. The people at South Park have been taking some heat for an episode of theirs. First Isaac Hayes quit. Now it’s been dropped from Comedy Central. The show in question is called “Trapped in the Closet”. I downloaded it from this site and watched it. (Under “What’s going on now”.)

I haven’t seen South Park in years. But I think the controversy is really interesting. And FWIW, the episode was funny. And a wee bit disturbing. Especially if the “This is what Scientologists actually believe” segment is accurate. 😕

“…U In Bondage”

March 18, 2006

Recently there’s been a bit of a buzz concerning a young lady named Autum Ashante.  Michelle Malkin wrote an excellent column regarding one of her recent appearances.

To a certain extent, I can see what Autum is saying regarding Columbus. I think it would be foolish for anyone to deny the amount of pillaging and suffering that went into the founding of this “civilization” that we call North America. Yet Black Militancy is not something that I cannot get behind.  

If people want to be free they need to realize something. Sometimes they are the ones who keep themselves in “bondage”. Hatred does more than waste time. Not only does it give birth to ignorance. It feeds it.

And I know that there are those out there who may disagree with me. People may argue that Autum, her father, and others who think as they do are wonderful. And perfectly educated and intelligent. And that’s fine. Everyone has their own definition of what qualifies as education and intelligence.

But when you waste time resenting people based on their superficial attributes such as their skin color, you miss out on the richness of the life that God has given us to abundantly enjoy. 

Note to readers.

March 18, 2006

So many things inspire me to write these days. Yet I find myself fascinated with life and all sorts of silliness like surfing around online. I have a pad of paper with various scribblings jotted down. I should try to get them all down. Hopefully I will in time.

Where do I come in?

March 16, 2006

Sometimes when I look at life, I feel like I’m in an endless stage production. Waiting in the wings, wondering when I’ll have an opportunity to play a part. As corny as that may sound, it’s true. The sense of aimlessness that I feel can be grating. I know that I am a vital piece of God’s puzzle. But where do I belong?

These sorts of thoughts go through my head as I strive to understand God’s word. My anxiety is heightened or soothed, depending on my mood. Still, studying the Bible is the only thing that helps me make sense of…anything. Perhaps it’s the narcissistic aspect of my human nature. But I find myself searching for pieces of me within its pages. 

When I read, sometimes I am anxious and uncertain of who I am. Or, who I am meant to be. I think of my status as a woman, as a single person, as someone who is poor and confused, as one who is weak, longing to be strong, as…So many things. 

I find myself wrestling the most with the knowledge that I am one who wants to honor God with her gifts, but isn’t sure of how. I’m trying to explore that right now through writing. Beyond this blog of mine, I had an idea for a novel a few years ago. But I abandoned it…

Nevertheless, in spite of my fears and doubts about my future, I am comforted. How wonderful to serve one who holds the answer to my every riddle!

Patience please.

March 15, 2006

So as some of you may or may not know, I’ve left Blogger for WordPress. I’m working out a few kinks in the system. Like categories.  I’ve never had the ability to organize my posts this way before. It’s going to take a while. That is, if I’m up to the task in the first place.

ETA: I just fixed the time index. Lest you were wondering, I’m not up blogging all hours of the night. 😉

Before I go….

There’s something I’ve noticed in the blogiverse that I thought I’d alert you to. Squarespace. Very pretty. Very useful. Yet I find I can get most of the functionality of a basic paid Squarespace account on WordPress for free. Which, given the fact that I’m broke, is a blessing.

I found one more reason for my sporadically-employed heart to break.

Actually…La Shawn says it better than I could.